® - Documentation

The corporate post-booking travel management tool

Getting started

After signing up for, there are a few optional steps to refine the setup

Also, some points regarding your account you need to be aware of:


General has a fairly simple structure. The sections are:


The dashboard shows business trips as they progress from "departing soon"” to "currently away" to "recently returned". The home button () navigates back to the dashboard


Finances and numbers

Most pages show a search bar. The search term(s) entered cover all searchable properties, ie. searching for "jackson" on the user page will search for "jackson" in the username, first and last name etc.

Property-specific search
To restrict a search term to a specific property, prefix the the term with the property name. Valid property name can be found by clicking on the help icon help next to the search.
Range search
When searching for dates or numbers, often a range restriction is desirable. Valid restrictions are <=, >=, <, >
Wildcard search
For literal search terms, will automatically use a 'contains' strategy, ie. searching for 'ack' will find 'Jackson' because that literal contains 'ack'. By providing wildcards, and/or adding operators indicating your intent, you can help deliver better search results.
The first example will find users with an exact last name of 'Jackson'. The second example will find users with a last name starting with 'Jack'. The second example will find users with a last name containing 'jack' (this is the same as not providing an operator).


There are two input field types which support auto-complete. References to other entities always offer autocomplete, while regular input fields for dates (or date/time) will also expand the entry to a valid date

Entity references
Date auto-complete
Date(time) fields attempt to expand a user entry to the next date in the future. For European users (date format day-month-year):
153 will expand to the nearest March 15th in the future
15317 will expand to March 15th, 2017

Data scope shows your name, organization and account name in the navigation bar (top left). For users with the authority to manage multiple organizational units (arrangers, client admin) or even accounts (community admin, system admin), the displayed organization and account name switch to a dropdown on hover.



The "home" page of is a configurable dashboard. Available gadgets are:

The video below illustrates how the dashboard can be configured:

Billing account

A billing account serves several purposes:

Is the entity will invoice. Defines a set of rules for password security. Allows for adding a logo and/or changing some CSS styles Also, described in extensions in detail, the billing account holds the core extension setup.

Company nameCompany name, max. length is 128 characters
Addressthe address printed on the invoice
CountryThe country relevant for invoicing. Note that each organization has a separate location/country
Contact email
CodeThe account code is mainly used internally, eg. in URLs
Financial settings
VAT IDIf present, the VAT ID is printed on the invoice. Some countries have restrictions regarding tax handling and require a VAT ID to be printed on the invoice.
System behavior
Default localeLocale used for new users
Max age returned tripTrips with a return date older than the set value (in days) are deleted. Set to 0 to disable.
Delete idle user afterUsers with a 'last returned' older than the set value (in days) are deleted. Set to 0 to disable.
Use arrangersIf activated, arrange-specific fields on user / organization are visible.
Smart booking mergeIf activated, will merge separate bookings for the same traveler into one trip. See Matching to an existing.
Traveler handling When receiving booking data from a producer extension, attempts to assign a traveler based on email address. If no traveler is found:
  • "Auto-create travelers": if no matching user is found, a new one is created on-the-fly. The failure to create and/or match a user is registered as a quality issue.
  • "Manually create travelers": users are not created from booking data, but are assumed to be present. Thus, the failure to create and/or match a user is registered as a quality issue.
  • "Never create travelers": users are not created from booking data, and are not assumed to be present. The failure to create and/or match a user is never registered as a quality issue.
Password fields These fields allow for adjusting the password security:
  • Expire password after (days)
  • Min. password length
  • Min. digits in password
  • Min. special characters in password
Profilesync systemAllows for connecting to a traveler profile suite
Next trip IDThe next value for the trip identifier. Update with care, as setting to a lower value might result in the system attempting to generate trips with an already used identifier.
Look & feel
CSS / LogoSee Look & feel

Connecting to a traveler profile suite

Some extensions might require traveler profile data which is not present in By connecting to a traveler profile suite such as Umbrella Faces, can retrieve traveler profiles and feed that data into the configured extensions.

Profiletool systemUmbrella Facescytric cCPS
Profiletool endpointURL of Umbrella Faces serverURL of cCPS endpoint
Profiletool API keyAPI key provided by UmbrellaCLIENT ID
Profiletool group- not used -cCPS system name
Profiletool secretAPI secretCLIENT password

Password security

The password security fields allow for defining password guidelines which are in line with your corporate standards.

Look & feel allows for two basic means of adjusting corporate identity. A logo can be placed at the upper left corner, the logo height is limited to 50px. Furthermore, a custom CSS can be uploaded, with all the styling power which comes with CSS.



While an account gives you some global settings, the main entity defining your corporate structure is the “organizational unit”. Users are connected to an organizational unit, and - by proxy - so are trips. Thus, whatever structure defines your travel rules (budget, expense limits) and/or processes (eg. arranger assignment) should reflected as organizational unit. The name was chosen to be very generic, because organizational units could be many things:

Organizational units can have a parent organizational unit, which allows to map a hierarchy. Child organizational units inherit from their parent.

NameName of the unit, max. length is 128 characters
Parent organizationBy setting a parent organization, hierarchies can be defined. This is especially useful when working with organization-wide travel arrangers
LocationGeographical location of this organization unit. This location is used when processing trip data to determine what is the "home base"
DescriptionA free-text description of the organization unit, max. length is 128 characters
LocatorsTravel agency locators such as a CETS agency ID, Amadeus OID or Galileo PCC. If the activated producer extension(s) have a status "source", locators can be used to assigned generated trips to organizations (and consequently consumer/modify extensions can be called with overriding settings).
Extension setting overridesIf the account has activated extensions which allow for per-organization settings overrides, those settings are listed here

Cross-account organizations

An organizational unit is linked to a billing account. It's noteworthy to point out that not all organizations of a hierarchy need to have identical billing accounts. While these are exceptional cases, allows for a travel arranger to access trip data in a organization hierarchy while the underlying usage might get billed to different accounts.

The structure illustrated above allows for a variety of administration mappings:



Users in are held to a rather minimal data structure. Note that is not a traveler profile management tool. Users are identified by email address, which is this expected to be unique per user.


Apart from the typical user fields such as username and password, defines:

First name non-APISFirst name used for non-APIS bookings. e.g. Robert Brown might book hotels as Bobby Brown
Arranger / Arranger typeIf 'arranger' toggle is enabled, individual travelers or entire organization units can be assigned to the arranger (depending on arranger type)
Technical userIf activated, this user is used to assign organizational units via email lookup.
IdentifiersAgent identifiers such as an agent sign or email.

Merging users

Two additional users can be merged. This functionality is mainly used when "Auto-create participants" is enabled on the billing account, as this might occasionally produce multiple entries for the same user.


When merging a user Jonny to another user John:

  1. The properties 'firstname', firstname for non-APIS bookings' and 'email' are copied from Jonny to John, provided they corresponding property is empty on John.
  2. All associations to bookings and transport documents (tickets, EMD) are moved from Jonny to John.
  3. If Jonny is an arranger, all arranger mappings are moved from Jonny to John. If John is not already marked as arranger, that flag is set, and the arranger type copied from Jonny to John.
  4. Finally, the user Jonny is deleted

Custom fields

Custom fields can be defined to add corporate information to a trip. Typical examples are a cost center or invoicing guideline. Custom fields are always linked to a specific account, but can be further restricted to individual organization units.

NameName of the field, which will be used to dislpay on the trip UI
Data type'String' or 'Number'
Edit directive
  • Optional: Field if editable, but optional. If you're unsure, use this option
  • Mandatory: Trips cannot be saved without a value.
  • Hidden: Value is mapped on the trip, but not shown on the UI
  • Readonly: Value is read-only on the UI
Remark patternA regular expression which must contain exactly one group. The group value will be used as custom field value.
for a remark AFW2BRANCH-22 will store the value '22'.

Providers holds a global list of travel providers. Additional contact information and a comment field are available per account.


Data export allows for exporting both configuration data, as well as trips to JSON files.



Extensions are where things get interesting. There are three kinds of extensions

will retrieve booking data from an external source such as an e-mail server, GDS or a TMC's midoffice system
take booking data and enhance or change it.
read booking data and report it to a third-party system.

Without at least one producer extension, all trips would need to be entered manually in Without at least one consumer extension, trip data would reside in only.



Producers deliver trip data into There are several delivery mechanisms:

All producers share a basic configuration (and then additional, custom configurations per extension):

PurposeFree text field to describe the setting, eg. "Import Amadeus PNR"
Execution trigger Can be either "Time" or "Webhook"; the former represents a "pull" mechanism, the latter a push. When choosing "Time", two additional settings are available:
  • "Limit execution": "Once" will only process a booking if it's not already present in, ie. modifies are not processed. "Unlimited" will process modifies.
  • "Time expression": A CRON expression defining when and how often the "pull" is executed. See eg. the Cron Expression Generator & Explainer - Quartz to generate an expression
When choosing "Webhook", will generate a webhook URL to be used by the third-party system to push booking data.
Override retriesAllows to override the default retry behavior
Override notificationsAllows to override the default notification behavior
Include travel preferencesGDPR-related setting to indicate whether traveler preferences should be processed.*
Include passport dataGDPR-related setting to indicate whether passport data should be processed.*
Include remarksGDPR-related setting to indicate whether booking remarks should be processed.*

* Whether or not to activate these settings depends on the data stream, ie. the activated modifiers and consumers. Only enable processing for data elements which a modifier and/or consumer extension needs.


Modifiers read trip data from and send trip data back. This can be to augment booking data with eg. flight statistics, but can also execute a ticketing robotic and thus modify the PNR.

Modifiers have the same set of common configuration as Consumers, see the field table there.


Consumers read trip data from There are two delivery mechanisms: "Event" and "Time".

All consumers share a basic configuration (and then additional, custom configurations per extension):

PurposeFree text field to describe the setting, eg. "Feed Viselio API"
Execution trigger Can be either "Time" or "Event". When choosing "Time", an additional setting "Time expression" is available: When choosing "Event", two additional settings "Booking event" and "Offset to booking event" are available:
  • Created
  • Created / modified
  • Created / modified / deleted
  • Departure
  • Return
Note that an "Offset to booking event" can be set. Setting -168(h) on a 'Departure' consumer will notify the consumer 7 days prior to departure.
Limit execution"Once" will only process a booking once, "Unlimited" will consume the booking whenever the execution trigger fires.
Override retriesAllows to override the default retry behavior
Override notificationsAllows to override the default notification behavior
Process bookings fromAllows to limit modifier/consumer to selected producers.

A common mistake is to choose an "Event"-based execution with "Created / modified" in order to process new bookings as well as modifies, but then to leave "Limit execution" at "Once". This effectively disables the modify, as the booking creation will trigger the single execution, after which no more processing occurs.

Flow of extension calls

Scenario Setup
Simple producer + consumer No special settings needed
Producer + modifier + consumer The consumer will only be called when the modifier was executed.
  • If using trip events, make sure the consumer doesn't just trigger on "Created". Due to the modifier, the trip event will be "modified" by the time it reaches the consumer
  • If using trip events and the consumer must only be triggered on booking creation, set trigger event to "Created / modified" and "Limit execution" to "Once"
Multiple modifiers Modifier extensions are daisy-chained, in the order they appear in the extension setup. A subsequent modifier is only called once the previous was executed.
Multiple consumers Consumers are called concurrently, so no consumer can count on having available the processing result of another consumer.

Extension states

Upon entering, extension states are stored per booking and configured extension. If the extension is only triggered in the future, the states remains as 'PENDING' until execution time is reached.

For calls which resulted in an error:


Notifications and retries has a simple but powerful retry / notification configuration in case of extension errors.

Defaults for error handling
Retry on errorIf enabled, will re-try calling the extension periodically (about every 15min). If disabled, the ERROR state can only be resolved manually.
Retry for how many hoursOnly relevant if "Retry on error" is set. Describes the maximum time span since the first call attempt during which retries should be attempted.
Notify via channelCurrently available options are:
ChannelFor 'EMAIL': the email address the notification should be sent to. For 'SLACK': the Slack webhook the notification should be sent to. For 'TEAMS': the Teams 'Incoming Webhook' URL

The default settings can be overridden per extension. The workflow is:

Trip management

Trip detail view

The trip detail view gives an overview of the travel services, the bookings, a change log and the status of extensions related to this trip. Action buttons on the top right allow for switching to edit mode, or download the trip as a JSON file.


Customers and travelers takes a trip-centric view to customer management. Each booking can hold address and contact information for one customer, this is typically the invoiced customer (i.e. not necessarily the traveling customer). Customer data is not sync'ed across bookings, so if Max Mustermann has several bookings, his address information is duplicated per booking

Apart from address and contact data, can hold 0..n customer reference numbers. These are useful when a producer extension can send a customer reference relevant to a downstream consumer extension.

Travelers are managed according to the "Traveler handling" setting on the billing account. If traveler profiles are kept in, a profile can be assigned to the booking traveler. A very common approach is to use an external profile system tool and manage profile locators in the booking. With this apporach, no traveler profiles need to be kept in


Additional to the standard search options, the trip search offers a few special keywords:

.. will return all trips where the current date is between departure and return. Other valid "buckets" for trips are extension_errors, departing_soon and recently_returned.
.. will return all trips with a return date within the past 4 months.
.. will search for booking reference number AB12CD.

Assigning to an organizational unit

For a new trip, will assign the trip to an organizational unit based on the following criteria:

  1. If the booking has a known participant, the organizational unit of that participant is assigned
  2. If the booking agent sign is an email and matches a technical user, the organizational unit of that user is assigned
  3. If the booking agency ID matches a agency locator, that organizational unit is assigned
  4. Finally, the largest organizational unit is selected as default

Matching to an existing booking

For an incoming, new booking, will attempt to locate an existing business trip which to append the booking to. An existing trip will be used based on the following criteria:

  1. The existing trip has at least one matching participant
    1. Attempt to match participants based on e-mail address
    2. Attempt to match participants based on full name (APIS), in the versions 'firstname lastname' and 'lastname, firstname'
    3. Attempt to match participants based on full name (non-APIS), in the versions 'firstname lastname' and 'lastname, firstname'
  2. The account has "Smart booking merge" enabled, and one of the following time-based criteria are met:
    1. The departure date of trip and new booking match +/- one day
    2. The return date of the trip is +/- one day equal to the departure date of the new booking (ie. the new booking appends to an existing trip)
    3. The departure date of the trip is +/- one day equal to the return date of the new booking (ie. the new booking prepends to an existing trip)
    4. The travel dates of the trip are entirely encompassed by the travel dates of the new booking
    5. The travel dates of the new booking are entirely encompassed within the travel dates of the existing trip

Updating trip data

When using the web client to edit trip data, an internal technical reference (UUID) is used to determine which data entries are to be updated. This approach is deterministic and always yields an updated trip (and the bookings therein) matching the data edited on the screen.

When receiving a booking data update through an extension, however, there typically is no technical reference to work with. In such cases, attempts to locate existing entries based on identifying properties which are assumed to be immutable. As consequence, a change in these identifying properties leads to deletion of the "old" entry and insert of the "new" entry.

Example: given an existing trip with a flight ZRH - EDI, flight no. LX123, departing June 6th at 10.15am. If an extension now sends booking information for a flight ZRH - EDI, flight no. LX123, departing June 6th at 2.20pm, will match this to the existing flight and update the departure time. If an extension then sends booking information for a flight ZRH - EDI, flight no. BA999, departing June 6th at 10.55am, will not match this as the flight number is expected to not change. Consequently, the existing LX123 flight is deleted, and BA999 is added as a new flight.

Identifying properties


Trip data issues

There are only very few data issues which influence data processing in

Trips with data issues are listed on the dashboard in the 'Issues' column


Trip extension issues

If an extension call resulted in an ERROR, the call can be retried manually by clicking on the icon.

Using an external traveler profile suite

If a traveler profile suite is configured (see billing account setup), will attempt to augment booking data with extended profile data per passenger. In the following sequence, there is a distinction between the 'booking traveler' and a ' user'. The former is bound to the booking, and contains only data provided by the producer extension which created the booking. The latter is a user. Each booking traveler can be associated to a user, but it is common practice to work only with booking travelers and not maintain a user base.

The lookup hierarchy is:

  1. Use the booking traveler's source ID, if present. For Amadeus this would be a CSX profile locator
  2. Use the booking traveler's passport, if present.
  3. Use the booking traveler's email, if present. Results returned by the external profile system are matched against the booking traveler's name, in order to prevent mismatches when an arranger's e-mail is used
  4. If the booking traveler is associated with a user, use the user's identifiers.

Reports offers a very basic built-in reporting. For any more advanced reporting, an extension should be used to export data in the desired format.


Extensions provided by WaNT GmbH


The AERTiCKET extension processes Matrix XML from AERTiCKET.

Execution triggerNeeds to be set to "TIME", as XMLs are fetched from the AERTiCKET server.
Agency numberProvided by AERTiCKET, also referred to as "KIM".
Customer systemThe AERTiCKET extension allows to read a customer reference from the AERTiCKET "Interne Vorgangsnummer". If set, the customer number will be set using the provided 'customer system'. This is relevant for any downstream extensions looking for a system-specific customer number. Example: if sending data on to Gestour, the agent can enter a Gestour customer number, and configure "Customer system" to "Gestour".
Only invoicedIf set, unticketed flights are discarded

Further processing rules:

Custom field names

This extension provides custom field values:

branchTaken from AFW2BRANCH remark, if present
invoiceNumberTaken from the latest AER XML

Amadeus A.I.R.

The "Amadeus AIR files" extension allows to read PNRs from files created by the Amadeus ProPrinter. The extension can work both as "pull" or "push".

If you'd like the extension to "pull" AIRs, you need to set up an SFTP server with username/password access. Configure the extension with "Time" event, set your desired CRON expression, and configure the SFTP properties. Per execution, the extension will read all available files, and subsequently delete them from the SFTP server..

If you'd like to "push" files to the extension, configure the extension with "Webhook" event and leave the file store controls empty. Once the extension settings are saved, provides you with a webhook URL. Upload files as multipart (using 'file' as parameter name). An example Windows Powershell script which uploads files can be found here.

Data scope settings

Process ghost segmentsIf checked, GK segments will be included in the generate booking data
Include travel preferencesIf checked, seat and meal information will be included in the generate booking data if present in the PNR
Include passport dataIf checked, SR DOCS will be included in the generate booking data
Include remarksIf checked, AIAN/RM/RX will be included in the generate booking data


The Atriis extension uses the Atriis "Get Trip" to periodically fetch new and updated trips.

Execution triggerNeeds to be set to "TIME", as Atriis has no "push" mechanism.
Currency handling
  • Use display currency price items will be in "display currency" (=retail currency) (unless only "default currency" (=system currency) is provided)
  • Use system currency price items will be in "default currency" (=system currency)
  • Buy in system currency, sell in display currency price items will have retail prices in "display currency" and purchase prices in "default currency"
Discard from sourcesAllows to list Atriis source systems for which services should be dropped. E.g. setting "Amadeus" will then discard all travel services booked in the Amadeus GDS. Multiple entries should be separated by comma or semicolon
Discard flights onlyAllows to restrict above 'Discard from sources' setting to service type 'flight' only
Allow cross-modifiesIf set and configured together with other producer extensions such as e.g. Sabre WS, will allow modifying an Atriis-generated booking by a Sabre PNR import.
Access credentialsAgency ID, endpoint, username, password and "shared key for credit card" will be provided by Atriis

Further processing rules:


The "Bexio" extension allows to create and update quotes, invoices and purchase records in Bexio.

API tokenAccess token generated in Bexio
Create quoteIf set, the booking will be mapped to a Bexio quote
Create retail invoiceIf set, the booking will be mapped to a Bexio invoice
Revenue accountThe default revenue account number (usually 4 digits). Only needed when creating invoices.
Create purchase invoiceIf set, the booking will be mapped to a Bexio purchase entry
Expense accountThe default expense account number (usually 4 digits). Only needed when creating purchases.
Default customerIdentifies a default customer for quotes/invoices. Syntax is
see the Bexio documentation for possible 'searchfield'. Typically 'nr' is used, as in 'nr:123456'.
On customer multi-match If the booking has a customer reference which results in multiple customers being found, should the system:
  • Use default customer: use the above 'Default customer' setting
  • Use first match: just take the first search result

CETS WDM files

The "CETS WDM files" extension allows to read XML files from CETS created by the WebDataMover (WDM). The extension can work both as "pull" or "push".

The behavior and handling is identical to the Amadeus AIR files extension.

cytric cCBD

The cytric cCBD extension allows to receive booking updates from the "cytric Companion for Booking Data" (cCBD)

While the setup of cCBD in is straightforward, the required setup in cytric is not trivial, so please contact us if you're interested in connecting cytric to

Also see the Using cytric blog post.

Data filter

The Data Filter extension allows to selectively delete parts of a booking, usually in combination with a downstream consumer extension.

Delete services with system reference forComma-separated list of systems (Service > References) which indicate a service should be deleted
System matchMatching logic for the systems listed above
  • All entries: only delete if all references match.
  • Any entry: delete if any reference matches
Delete only typeOptionally restrict delete logic to a certain service type
Delete priceitems matchingIf non-empty, deletes price items with a description matching the regular expression
Overriding keep remark patternIf non-empty and the booking contains a remark matching the regular expression, processing of the entire booking is aborted.

Confirmation E-mails

The "Confirmation E-mails" extension connects to an IMAP email account, reads all emails for a given folder, and uses a third-party provider to parse the email.

E-mail server (IMAP)A server name, optionally with a port number (default is 993). The connection uses SSL/TLS.
UsernameUsername for the email server access
PasswordPassword for the email server access
E-mail folderFoldername, use INBOX for the root folder
E-mail parserThird-party system to use for the actual parsing:
  • Amadeus Trip Parser
  • Traxo Email Parsing
  • OpenAI Parsing
Amadeus Traxo OpenAI
Parser key IDClient IDClient IDnot used
Parser secretClient secretClient secretAccess token
Parser containernot usedMailbox IDmodel name
Parser endpointAmadeus hostAPI endpointBase URL

As an alternative to providing access to your own email server, we're also happy to provide you with a dedicated email address on our server. With this setup, it is your responsibility to forward any confirmation emails to the provided address.

Using this extension can be GDPR relevant, please make sure all the necessary approvals are in place before activating.

Galileo MIRs

The "Galileo MIR files" extension allows to read PNRs from files created by the Galileo Print Manager. The extension can work both as "pull" or "push".

The behavior and handling is identical to the Amadeus AIR files extension.


The Gestour extension allows to push booking data to the Amadeus Gestour 360 midoffice.

Agency codeProvided by Gestour
Default customerAllows to set a default customer to receive bookings. Valid syntax is
  • Identify by email, e.g.
  • Identify by Gestour-internal ID, using syntax key:123456 (where 123456 is the Gestour ID in this example)
  • Identify by account, e.g. H78MM
BrandOptional, provided by Gestour
Ticket stock codeProvided by Gestour
On customer multimatchDefines how customer handling should be the intial customer search finds zero or more than one matches
  • Use default customery use the customer defined above as "Default customer"
  • Use first match use the first match found

Further processing rules:

Common errors

Gestour has various settings which need to fit the bookings running through This table gives an overview of the most common errors.

Message Cause
Problème d'enregistrement, la clé d'un item inséré est manquante. A coded entry of the booking is not known in Gestour. Typically this is either an airline or a destination code.
Type de prestation du segment 0 incompatible avec son contenu A fairly general-purpose error indicating that the Gestour segment data is deemed inconsistent. Check the booking data in for empty fields such as airline or destination.
Le montant RTU doit être inférieur ou égal au montant client This error indicates a negative ticket amount. While this could occur when importing a refund for which the original ticket is missing, leading to a negative total amount. If the booking seems to be consistent, contact us so we can investigate.
Il manque le montant This might occur on exchanges with a price 0.00. Make sure Gestour accepts a zero amount.
Erreur pendant la création d'une émission de titre General-purpose error message that the booking couldn't be processed. Contact Gestour to get more information.

File dump

The "File dump" extension allows to export trip data as JSON or XML to a remote server.

Target URLThe target URL of your server. The server must be publicly accessible. While the URL format does allow for adding username and password, use the additional fields in order to prevent exposing the password. Allowed protocols are ftp, sftp and https. Use of FTP is discouraged.
UsernameUsername for authentication to your server
PasswordPassword for authentication to your server
File formatOne of: 'XML', 'JSON'
Pattern for target fileThe target filename can use a date pattern like tripdata-${yyyyMMdd-HHmmss}.xml.


The Midoco extension uses the Midoco "AnnounceBookingMessage" to create and update bookings in Midoco.

Include unconfirmedIf set, all booking data is sent to Midoco. If not set, only status 'CONFIRMED' and 'CANCELED' are sent.
ABM strategyAllows to specify a custom strategy to create the AnnounceBookingMessage towards Midoco.

Be sure to whitelist on the Midoco webservice user, activate the web service support, and to allow imports on the org. unit.

Field mapping and custom field names

Midoco ABM import

The Midoco ABM import extension allows to import booking data using the Midoco ABM format. Configure the extension as a webhook, and communicate the endpoint as SOAP endpoint to the producer of the ABM.

If configuring locators such as org. unit locators, be sure to use "MidocoImport" as source and not "Midoco", as the latter is used for the ABM export.


The Myclimate extension takes flight data and adds CO2 information.

API URLProvided by Myclimate
UsernameProvided by Myclimate. Note that Myclimate typically only offers access if there is also a compensation scheme in place.
PasswordProvided by Myclimate


The Nezasa extension provides a webhook for Nezasa to trigger booking imports.

Distribution channel IDOne or several distribution channels (separated by comma or semicolon) for which will register webhooks.
API URLUsually
UsernameThe username of the Nezasa API user.
PasswordThe password of the Nezasa API user.
Tripbuilder URLOptional URL of your tripbuilder. If present, will attempt to retrieve additional travel service information.
Preferred reference systemIf set, will import agency and supplier information with a preference for the configured external system. If using this setting, make sure your reference data in Nezasa is adequately maintained.

Nezasa webhooks: Nezasa notifies attached system of bookings and booking changes via a webhook call. registers webhooks for the booking status "booking_completed", "booking_change_completed" and "cancellation_completed". Note that there is no trigger for a booking in status "booking_initiated". This means that purely offered/quoted bookings will not be pushed to

Field mapping and custom field names

Sabre IUR files

The "Sabre IUR files" extension allows to read IURs from files created by the Sabre Printing Module (SPM). The extension can work both as "pull" or "push".

The behavior and handling is identical to the Amadeus AIR files extension.

Sabre Webservice

The "Sabre Webservices" extension allows to read PNRs from a Sabre queue.

The behavior and handling is identical to the Amadeus AIR files extension.


The Slack extension allows to set up notifications using Slack web hooks.

Webhook URLThe URL your Slack admin setup in
Displayed usernameSlack notifications display a username. If this field is left empty, the default username defined on the web hook will be used
MessageLike most extensions, the Slack extension receives a full booking data structure. Explore the structure at the API definition to compose messages. Some examples:
  • Just booked trip ${header}
  • ${participants[0].firstname} ${participants[0].lastname} will be traveling on ${departuredate}
ChannelWebhooks have a default channel (used if this field is left empty), but can post on any channel.
Emoji iconAny emoji code supported by slack ( If left empty, the extension default :airplane: is used.

The extension allows to push booking data to the midoffice.

Agency mappingAllows to influence the origin and agency ID sent to
  • Use original agency sends origin 'Atriis' and the Atriis 'OrganizationUnitId' as agency ID
  • Use passive GDS agency attempts to find a GDS entry in the service references and uses that reference. Furthermore, a matching GDS entry will be sought in the agency locators.
Default agency IDDefault / fallback agency ID. will attempt to match the incoming booking to an organization and use the agency locator from that organization. The "Agency ID" is used if that process fails.
Only confirmed/invoicedIf true, only confirmed and/or ticketed services are sent to
EMD-A as ticketAllows to define whether EMD-A should be imported as "ticket" in, or as a simple price position.
Remark processorSetting a 'remark processor' allows for processing Atriis
  • Standard processes savings ('UMB-SV/') and fare paid ('UMB-FP/') remarks, and sets the B2B 'guiding customer' if using a profile system
  • Hero extends 'Standard' with a series of RM-entries (please contact us for detailed information).
Low cost service codeIf set, "Non-BSP flight" services will use this product code
Smart modifyIf set, bookings changes which do not affect are dropped

Further processing rules:

Custom field names

This extension provides custom field values:

ship.routeWrites B2B 'route' on ship service
ship.accommodationWrites B2B 'accommodation1' on ship service

Further extensions

There are several more extensions being developed or in pilot-phase. If you're looking for a specific extension, contact us.